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Product Description
Scarlet macaw are active birds, and they love to climb, swing, bounce, and chew. Strong toys are a must, as the Macaw’s beak is known to be destructive. Their sociability and even temperaments make them great pets, and their intelligence, willingness to learn, and talking ability only help make them more precious in the eyes of bird lovers. Scarlet macaw, like most parrots, thrives on attention from its owner and will form a strong bond with its family members.
The Scarlet from beak to tail measures 35 inches to 36 inches. They are red in color except for their wings which towards the tips are also yellow, and blue. Their beaks are black and white or sometimes just white. They have a white-skinned face with small red feathers in unique patterns for each bird. Though some do not have these small feathers. They do blush as people do on the whites of their face when extremely excited or stressed.
What is the lifespan of a scarlet macaw?
The scarlet macaw can live up to 75 years
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